Registration for Mors 100 Miles 2025 opens
Participant statements
If I absolutely have to say something negative about Mors 100 miles, it has to be: That it is highly addictive, and I am looking to participating again together with my regular support team, for the 4th year in a row. /Jakob Stæhr Hansen, Danmark.
To this day my greatest race experience, no more no less. Wow, you are reallyfantastic. It is a high quality race. /Conny Nielsen, Danmark.
Completely perfect. During the entire race I felt your support. The kindness which we were met with, both before, during and after the race, was no less then perfect. /Sirus Aghajari, Danmark.
Everything went as planned, and the kindness, which we were met with around the island was completely indescribable. Can only say to other ultra runners, that this is probably the best organised ultra race in Denmark. /Per Hjorth, Danmark.
Read more participant statements (Danish), or watch films from the Mors 100 miles race here.
2025 prograM
Q & A
Read participant statements (Danish), or watch films from the Mors 100 miles race here.
- About the race
Q: What is the Mors 100 miles?
A: Mors 100 miles is a footrace, located on the island of Mors, with a circular route. The race has existed since 2007, and has in recent years been held in September and arranged by volunteers from the local area.
Q: Who cares about the Mors 100 miles
A: A lot of people do. The race is tracked online by over 6,000 people from 19 different countries (2014). The website is visited annually over 90,000 times. Every year Mors 100 miles attracts over 3,000 local spectators. An effort is made to double the number of spectators over the next two years. Eight neighbourhood associations throw "route parties", in connection with the race, to pay tribute to the passing runners. That figure is also expected to increase to 15 within the next two years.
Q: What is an ultra race?
A: An ultra race is any organised footrace extending beyond the standard marathon running distance of 42,195 kilometres.
Q: Are there different types of ultra races?
A: Yes, there are two types of ultra races. There are those in which runners set out to cover a fixed distance, and those in which runners attempt to cover the greatest possible distance within a fixed period of time. The most common distances are 50 km, 100 km and 160,9344 km (100 miles), but there is no upper limit to how far you can run.
Q: For how long has ultra races existed?
A: Ultra racing is much older than marathon racing (which originated with the first modern Olympics in Athens in 1896), but only recently has the sport been recognised by the International Amateur Athletic Federation (IAAF).
Q. Who is the typical participant for the Mors 100 miles?
A: 75 ultra runners participated in 2014. The ambition is to increase the number to 500 participants. Seven to eight out of ten ultra runners are male. Most of the runners are from Denmark, but also from Norway, Sweden and Eastern Europe. Runners from countries like China, Canada and the United States have also participated in the race. Most have runned for over 15 years, and list family and work as the reasons why they have started on ultra racing relatively late.
Q: Who organises Mors 100 miles?
A: The race organisers of the Mors 100 miles is the local running club Pinen og Plagen. Read more about Pinen og Plagen here.
Q: How did Mors 100 miles emerge?
A: The idea to create Mors 100 miles emerged when Jesper Kenn Olsen visited the local running club Pinen og Plagen on Mors in 2007. Jesper stayed a week on Mors, and he quickly proved a man who could inspire the fiery souls of the local running club. Jesper stayed with the chairman of Pinen og Plagen, Jann Friis Søndergaard. On a trip to the northern part of Mors, Jesper asked Jann: "Why don't you create a 100 miles race on Mors"? He had figured out, that it would be possible to plan a circular route of 160.9 km around the island, and he guaranteed that he would be able to find 5-10 participants, if the running club would organise the race. From that moment on Jann and the running club started working on organising a world class ultra race. He quickly convinced the board that it was a goodidea, and then secured signs, hydration zones, prize money and much more. It took three months to organise the first Mors 100 miles.
- Pre-race information
Q: Where does the race start?
A: The start area is at Kirketorvet in Algade, 7900 Nykøbing Mors
Q: Where does the race finish ?
A: The finish ares is at Danhostel Nykøbing Mors
Q: What does the route look like?
A: Look at the online map of the route, this is also printable. Download a KML file of the route here (Used for some GPS watches)
Q: Where is the hostel situated in Nykøbing?
A: It is situated at Øroddevej 15, 7900 Nykøbing Mors
Q: Who can participate in Mors 100 miles?
A: All runners, aged 18 and older, can participate in the ultra race, but you have to be trained for endurance races (Mountain race, marathon, 100km events, multi-day races and so forth)
Q: Can I have my entry fee back, if I don't participate?
A: If a runner is forced to cancel the participation, it is NOT possible to get theentry fee refunded, or transfer the running number till the following year.
Q: How do I get ongoing information after registration?
A: All runners will after registration continually receive e-mails with information about the race
Q: How is the race completed?
A: In order to complete the race the runner has to cross the finish line within the 26 hour time limit. This corresponds to 9.35 min/km
Q: Is there a money prize?
A: Yes, you can see the prices, in a danish version here…. The prize money payout will only take place if you are present at the award ceremony Sunday at 12:00 noon. This also include the handout of sponsor basket.
Q: Do I get a certificate of completion, even though I don't make it to the top three?
A: Yes, all participants that complete the race within the time limit (26 hours) get a unique medal, a certificate of completion, a finisher t-shirt and a great round of applause. It is a great achievement! You get your medal when you cross the finish line. At the award ceremony on the Sunday 1st, 2nd and 3rd prices and the Salgjerhøj sprint is awarded. Furthermore, there are a 100 miles basket for all participants. Be aware that you have to be present to be awarded the prize money and the 100 miles basket.
- During the race
Q: Where does the race start?
A: The start area is at Kirketorvet in Algade, 7900 Nykøbing Mors
Q: Where does the race finish?
A: The finish area is at Danhostel Nykøbing Mors
Q: Anyone other than the runner decide wether he/she may continue?
A: The race organisers may at any time pull a runner out of the race, or refuse him/her to start, in case the runner does not meet the race conditions. This also applies if the runner has problems (or seems to have problems) with the health. This action can apply temporarily or for the whole race
Q: Can the weather conditions stop the race?
A: Yes, in the case of extreme weather conditions, that might jeopardise the life of the runners, the race organisers reserve the right to stop or cancel the race. The race management decides whether to stop the race due to weather conditions.
Q: What does the route look like?
A: Look at the online map of the route, this is also printable. Download a KML file of the route here (Used for some GPS watches)
Q: What is the texture of the route?
A: Most of the route is on asphalt (subject to change).
Q: How is the provisioning organised?
A: : There are manned hydration zones about every fifth kilometre (31 hydration zones in total). From 11:00pm till 7:00am there are unmanned hydration zones and "driving-along" hydration zones,
Q: What is standard provisioning at the hydration zones?
A: Water, PurePower Carbo Race Electrolyte, cola, peanuts, salt, chips, TUC crackers, fruit, chocolate bars, blister plaster and drop bags
Q: Can I bring my own helpers?
A: Yes, you are allowed to bring your own helpers, but they may only help at the official hydration zones. Runners are not allowed to receive help between hydration zones, or it may result in disqualification
Q: Is it possible to deliver drop bags?
A: Yes, it is possible to deliver drop bags in all 31 hydration zones.
Q: Is it possible to drive the entire route by car?
A: It is possible to drive about 90% of the route by car
Q: What are the weather conditions like at the time of the race?
A: The day temperature is around 16 degrees Celsius, and the night temperature is around 9 degrees Celsius. There is an average of 12 rainy days in September. It gets dark around 8:00pm
Q: Who is in charge of the safety?
A: Healthcare professionals are attached to the race. All participants/runners are responsible for being insured against accidents, illness, etc. Things that might occur during the race. Participation is at your own risk, and the race organisers cannot be held responsible for any injuries, accidents etc. in connection with the race
Q: How do I obtain the things that I have placed in the drop box?
A: Shoes, clothes etc. which is placed in a drop box can be obtained Sunday after the race. If the items are not collected, they are stored for a week after the race and then discarded
Q: Safety!!
A: Runners are instructed to wear a high visibility vest after dark. We also advise you to wear a headlamp after dark. Otherwise the race organiser might pull you out of the race.